Understanding Knee Osteotomy: A Surgery to Improve Knee Alignment

Knee osteotomy is a surgical procedure used to shift the weight-bearing load away from a damaged part of the knee to healthier areas. It’s often recommended for people with early-stage osteoarthritis or specific knee deformities that cause uneven pressure on the joint.

What is Knee Osteotomy?

Knee osteotomy involves cutting and reshaping bones around the knee joint to change its alignment. The goal is to reduce pain and improve movement by shifting weight to healthier parts of the knee.

Why is Knee Osteotomy Needed?

This surgery is typically suggested for people who:

  • Have early-stage osteoarthritis mainly on one side of the knee.
  • Feel knee pain and find daily activities challenging despite trying other treatments.
  • Have knee deformities like bowlegs or knock-knees that affect how the joint works.

How is Knee Osteotomy Done?

During knee osteotomy:

  • A surgeon makes a small cut near the knee.
  • Bones are carefully reshaped to adjust the knee’s alignment.
  • Sometimes a piece of bone is removed or added to get the right alignment.
  • Plates, screws, or other devices are used to hold the bones in place.
  • The surgery can be done with general or regional anesthesia, and most people stay in the hospital for a few days afterward.

Benefits of Knee Osteotomy:

  • Less Pain: By redistributing weight, knee osteotomy can ease pain and delay the need for knee replacement surgery.
  • Better Movement: It can improve how well the knee works, allowing people to do more of the activities they enjoy.
  • Preserves the Natural Joint: Unlike knee replacement, which uses an artificial joint, osteotomy keeps the natural knee joint intact.
  • Good for Younger People: It’s especially helpful for younger, active individuals who want to keep their natural knee joint and avoid more invasive surgeries.

Recovering from Knee Osteotomy:

  • Hospital Stay: Most people stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery to recover.
  • Physical Therapy: This is important for rebuilding strength and helping the knee move well again.
  • Getting Back to Activities: People can usually start light activities in a few weeks, but full recovery can take several months.

Knee osteotomy is a specialized surgery that can relieve pain and improve knee function for people with specific knee problems. If you have knee pain or have been diagnosed with early-stage osteoarthritis, talking to an orthopedic surgeon can help decide if knee osteotomy is right for you. Taking steps to care for your knee joint can make a big difference in your quality of life and how well you can move.