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Inpatient Guide

Inpatient Guide

Following advice from the Consultant, if the patient requires admission, you are required to complete formalities at the Admission Counter at the front desk.

Admission of Patients from empanelled Companies/Organizations/ Third party Service Providers :If your account is to be settled by any of the mentioned sources, please ensure that you bring with you an authorization letter from the company clearly accepting responsibility for all medical treatment. The hospital will provide treatment in the category specified by the company. Any deviations from the instructions will be billed directly to you.

The hospital will be happy to share with you in advance approximate cost of treatment, investigations, hospital charges, etc. Such information can be easily obtained in advance from the Billing Counter. You may request for a periodic billing from the billing department.

You are advised that all payments are only accepted at the cash counter in billing department. No other person at Aditya Hospital is authorized to collect any payment from you. Please ensure the safety of your money while you are admitted in the hospital.

Corporate Patients are requested to submit their authorization letter given by the organization, if you are not in possession of letter, due to any reason, it can be faxed at our hospital fax no i.e..+91-040-24754117 for Abids and +91-040-33855644 for Uppal addressed to the Credit billing or email to the ID : for Abids and

Categories of Accommodation
There is a wide choice to make from, while opting for a room, from the under given list:

• AC Deluxe – Single Room – Private Room – Semi Private- Economy Beds.

Every effort is made to provide the type of room that you want to occupy. However at times a particular type of room may not be available because all such rooms are either occupied or booked, in such an event, the hospital will allot you the best alternative room available. Request for room change may be made to ADMISSION COUNTER. who will attempt to meet your request as soon as it is possible.

Billing & Payments
The tentative duration of stay will be specified by the treating consultant. An advance payment has to be made at the time of admission.

An advance payment has to be done at the time of admission. Patients will be given interim bills and are requested to update advance payments periodically. Final settlement of accounts will be requested when patient is to be discharged.

Payments can be made at the Cash Counter (Ground Floor) round the clock. The hospital accepts payments in Cash and through credit cards and demand drafts. Please note that the hospital does not accept cheque.

Interim Bills:
Our computerized billing system will consolidate all charges for medicines / consumables/services availed by you during hospitalization

Surgery Packages
For Any surgical package (NON COMPLICATED), and all planned surgeries full advance payment is to be made as per the package specifications. In emergency cases, the payment is to be made within 24 hours of admission. For all daily/surgical package patients outstanding amount of more than Rs.10, 000/- are not permissible .For details please refer to the hospital schedule of charges with the Billing department.

During Your Stay
Medical Treatment:
Your admitting consultant is responsible for your treatment while you are at Aditya Hospital. He makes necessary arrangements for lab/radiological tests, medications, diet and other special treatment. Please notify your nurse or resident doctor of any kind of medications or lab investigations that you may bring with you. Your consultant doctor must approve its use while you are in the hospital.

Duty Medical Officers:
Your treating Consultant is ably supported by a team of in house Duty medical officers to ensure monitoring of treatment round the clock. They are a vital link between the Consultants and auxiliary services. They make periodic rounds to monitor and assess your progress. Resident doctors only follow the orders given by your consultant. Should you require more information regarding your progress, kindly speak to your consultant. In the event of any emergency the nursing staff will contact the Resident medical Officer assigned to your floor.

Nursing Staff:
Our nursing personnel will provide you with highly compassionate and professional care. They administer your medicines and execute the treatment as specified by your treating consultant. The doctors and nursing personnel work in tandem to provide you with high standards of care. The nursing call button is placed in every patient room. It may be used for any kind of nursing attention.

Other Personnel:
Ward personnel are there to make your stay comfortable; they are responsible for keeping your rooms clean and maintain hygiene. The ward personnel report to the sister in charge of the floor.

There is a general consent form that you sign at the time of admission. Special procedures being contemplated require your consent and you may discuss the same with your treating consultant. The nursing staff will make these forms available to you.

Money & Valuables:
It is not advisable to bring large sums of money or valuables into the hospital. The hospital does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to your possession.

Medicines & Consumables:
Your consultant prescribes medicines and surgical consumables that are required for your treatment, the same are procured from the in-house pharmacy. The nurses will administer the medicines as per the Doctors orders.

When you are sick you need to be nourished with a healthy diet, our dieticians will be more than willing to plan your diet if required in consultation with your treating doctor. If you have special needs or requirements please discuss the same with our dietician. Our kitchen is well equipped to serve good balanced vegetarian meals.

Preventive maintenance of all equipment in the rooms routinely and thoroughly done. To further ensure continued patient comfort, the staff of the hospital make daily room rounds, during these rounds various equipments, facilities in the room are checked and if necessary serviced/replaced. If you need any assistance regarding television, air-conditioning, power points, nurse call system, plumbing or telephone in your room, please let Nursing Incharge know, of your floor. Please allow a response time of 30 minutes.

Waste Management:
The hospital has implemented a waste management system, wherein the waste is segregated into biodegradable and non biodegradable.

Attendant & Visitors:
As a patient you require rest and we do our best to provide you with a quiet , peaceful and tranquil environment in order to achieve this we need your co-operation. Only one visitor’s pass is issued per patient at the time of admission. Children under twelveyears of age should not be brought into patient’s room or ward in the best interest of their own health. Our infrastructure can support only one attendant per patient. Please ensure that visitors adhere to the visiting hours (7AM to 9 AM& 4 PM to 6 PM) only and that they are restricted to the absolute minimum.

General Instructions
Aditya Hospital is a no smoking zone. Patients and their attendants are strictly prohibited from smoking in the hospital premises.

Silence is essential in a hospital. Even minor noises can disturb people who are not feeling well. Visitors are requested to speak softly and avoid unnecessary noise. Attendants are advised to keep down the volume on their television sets. Patient’s relatives are advised not to crowd the area outside the patient rooms. Hospital staff is under instruction to take necessary steps to prevent noise and crowding.

Due to limited space, there may be times when parking is not available in the immediate vicinity of the hospital.

Tips & Gratuities
Our policy expressly states that staff should not accept gifts or extra payments for services performed and we courteously ask you to assist us in implementing this policy.

Checklist Please Remember:
1. To check the room and wardrobe thoroughly for your personal items.
2. To check your locker to ensure that you have taken all your belongings before handing over the keys.
3. To collect all your prescriptions/films/reports and to fully understand the instructions concerning medicines or diet to be followed at home.

Discharge Formalities:
An approval and order from your consultant doctor is required for you to leave the hospital. After the doctor has conveyed the order to the attending nurse, the billing department begins the billing process. Kindly allow two hours for completing the formalities, after which you get a call to clear your bill. The receipt must be shown to the nursing staff who along with the Duty Doctor explains post discharge medications and patient care methods. At the time of discharge, a discharge Summary is given to the patient it contains all the relevant details about the treatment given during the stay at the hospital. One needs to bring all the papers, for follow ups with the treating doctor. Occasionally patients may leave with a prescription and collect remaining details later.

If the patient requires transportation at the time of discharge, please bring it to the notice of In Patient PRE or floor nurse before discharge, for making the necessary arrangements.

Important Information
Medico legal cases:
On admission of a medico legal case, the hospital has to mandatory honor the rules of the Indian Govt. and inform the local police authorities. In case of mortality, post mortem is a must. The authority to hold back post mortem is not within the purview of the hospital authorities.

Death Certificate:
If a patient expires in the hospital, an interim death certificate is issued to the family by the hospital to carry the body. The hospital sends the required documents to the Govt. agency. The family has to collect the final Death Certificate from the Birth & Death Registrar office, with regard to all mortalities at Aditya Hospital.

Aditya Hospital Aditya Hospital is keenly interested in sharing your experiences as a patient at our hospital. Please complete the discharge feed back form that would be given to you at the time of discharge. Your feedback, suggestions and comments will help the hospital and its staff to serve patients better.

Important Inpatient Facilities
A 24 hour pharmacy in the premises of the hospital is a lobby, All essential and critical medications are available of all times, some exclusively at this pharmacy only.

Blood Bank:
Blood being a critical component for health care necessary precautions are taken while screening and procurement. The hospital has 24×7 blood blank. If any patient wishes to purchases blood from any other blood bank they can purchase.

Ambulance Services:
The hospital has a fleet of 2 fully equipped ambulances, to manage all types of transport requirements. For details kindly contact on 39111333 or 9849472754 for Abids and 33855555 or 8374101010 for Uppal.

The cafeteria at ADITYA HOSPITAL is open from 06:00 AM to 10:00 PM.